
The new MP for Redcar is a 26-yo bloke, gay, ex chemical plant worker, part of the blue wave that took down Labour’s red wall.

Holy fuck, the government that spent nine years shitting on the north first and foremost of the regions to neglect, you think, blimey that’s radical, they’ve voted for the enemy.
But maybe if, IF this guy can deliver with the other new Tories, it’s one for the lads up north, IF! it’s not a bad thing.
(If. Notwithstanding this notion of ‘blue Labour’ being economically radical and culturally conservative)

But his boss calls him a bumboy.
The first thing this MP did was sign off a withdrawal agreement bill – different to that agreed with the EU, and with workers’ rights removed.

Removal of workers’ rights in the new EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill

‘Couldn’t drop the lads in it’ indeed.

Even so, most of this guy’s likes are bots anyway.

Anna Turley meanwhile who was getting it in the neck from the far-right was also being hassled by the Unite union. Labour really know how to destroy themselves.