Blue Mercedes

Dreamt I was hanging out with Boris Johnson and crew, somewhere around Byker, although with more overgrown brick factories. It was just pre-dawn and Johnson vroomed away in his electric-blue Mercedes cabriole which he promptly spun and smashed into the barriers on Byker Bridge, then legged it (Farage did that once). I ran over, called the police, then started filming as the car blew up realising I could make money from selling the footage. He then reappeared in another identical Merc and would likely have done the same but we’d moved on by then, going down into Ouseburn where there was a festival of some kind, and saw Starmer in a Soviet commissar uniform and with a very pallid face and over-emphasised jaw, and looking lost.

Not the worst dream, pretty vivid, like the ones I had pre and post Brexit, much more foreboding in those, like the one where the Khmer Rouge turned up with all the pregnant menace of that doc. I watched about ISIS arriving and setting up shop in a Syrian town.

Any of Horst Wurzel’s pubs in this? It’s unclear why if the UK only uses so little Russian gas compared with Germany our fuel prices are yet multiple times higher. Are theirs better controlled by Govt or is it that overall gas forms so much of UK power production that we pay for it directly or indirectly through the knock-on of the market?

GBberish News

Listening to GB News yesterday, Calvin Robinson, the strange man of God who doesn’t like ordained women so joined the CofE where a third of ministers are women, to do what, shout about it? Anyway he’s seized on the WEF as the thing to feed his paranoid minions, with two guests, one called Nigel (not the one we all know and loathe) and another guy who sounded Scouse, who said re free speech ‘people should be able to say what they want without fear of losing their jobs’, then went on to say the CEO of Netflix had it right when staff complained about the way trans were portrayed, ‘if you don’t like it, leave’. These are surely mutually opposing positions: say what you like and not lose your job, say what you like and lose your job? Fuckheads.

I think they troll themselves sometimes. Crimes going on about how we voted for Brexit to take back control of our borders, we’re all so upright and defiant, no-one tells US what to do! This prog ad comes after the daily news bulletin, ‘record numbers of cross-channel migrants!!!’, underscoring how shit Brexit actually is. Again, though, tying this up, cognition? Fuck that.

Today I toured IKEA for cheap tealights. This is where we’re at, stocking up on tealights to forego the energy costs. I’m going long on tealights to corner the tealight market. I’ll be the local kingpin for tealights, a tealight magnate. Colleague at work said they have a log burner what they never use, but soon will be, and she’s on the lookout for any twigs or branches and the like. It’s going to change everyone’s way of thinking, acting, we’ll end up chopping down and burning all those trees we need to soak up the CO2 that’s otherwise setting the whole place on fire anyway (and worsening the situation).

Funnily enough having ordered a ton of candles, obviously they think ‘he’ll like some of these candelabras’, so I’ll become a Liberace-style candle mafia Don. Strange how one’s life ends up.

Laura ripostes!

No Laura, that’s right, and there’s probably a reason for that. I’m not sure this is the devastating counter point to Maitlis you think it is.

The Today prog reported Monday about how during Covid 10s of thousands of people left the workforce, the older lot, took early retirement. But the cost-of-living crises (food, tax, fuel, energy) is forcing a lot them back. Funnily enough it’s the older demographics who vote Conservative and voted for Brexit, and this Blukip Govt has huge responsibility for this fuckfest. So … that backfired, didn’t it?

I know an ambulance tech who’s into burning books. Why are smoke control zones considered to be ‘red tape’? I guess like pouring literal shit all over the place is deemed healthy business practice. These people are repulsive, they go out of their way to impoverish and pollute.

From three years ago, that was such fun and meant so much (to us). Blocked Whitehall. This guy who claimed to have been playing football came over and started deriding it all, but he was too fast in delivering his lines, it was fascinating.


Yesterday evening when driving in East Lothian, occasional spectacular glimpses of the Forth and the hills, absolutely clear as far as could be seen, the Forth like a mirror for the clouds, their edges browned b the setting Sun, and on Radio Scotland came the show, ‘Take The Floor!’ with this wonderfully enthused man introducing each tune and a slice of its history, then inviting the listeners (no doubt in their tenements, a few wee drams down already, poised) to ‘TAKE THE FLOOR!’ and off they’d go. Every day The Broons! I also see curling stones on doorsteps sometimes, a Masonic thing?

Later on a long drive back to Edinburgh I was listening to a fascinating program on R4 reading the diaries of a gay British man from the late 40s to the 70s and all the persecution and underground scene that went with that, surprisingly young men from military units were mentioned very often as being game for (paid) action, and when Mr Lucas complained of being exploited there was debate as to who was really being exploited. He seemed to spend small fortunes on rent boys. It got riveting when talking about how this Mr Lucas may have been involved in murder, but at this riveting point as I’d pulled up outside a house, the customer was already on the doorstep so I missed those minutes, but a lovely chap he was who’d also moved up from England, never regretted it, said the pace of life was so much nicer, the people calmer. A really nice chat.

Just another day delivering posh food.

Sunday, drizzle, the progs all God Squad. One excerpt from the Bible, about attending a feast or wotnot, do not take the high seat as you’ll be asked out of it, instead take the lowest seat and your host will elevate you, let the humblers be humbled and the humble be elevated, which … hmm … seems like a bit of social gamesmanship, ‘avoid embarrassment at parties and let others big you up’. As if it were from the film Ridicule, tripping up dancers or throwing their shoes into the fire when called to meet the King. There was then something about inviting the poor and invalided as this is an innately blessed thing to do, as they can’t pay you back (which is somewhat disablist surely) and the payback will come when the ‘upright rise up’ (tautology?). I need to read the Big B, and the Koran, see what all the fuss is, how much of what’s claimed in their name is really just the projected bigotry of murderous shysters.

If production can meet demand, but some of the key components in making solar panels have very finite production capacities worldwide, what with the impetus to buy them coming from soaring gas prices, but gas etc being integral to manufacturing abilities, this is a vice of soaring costs for the panels that may see them priced out of competition with fossil fuels. I don’t know but it seems Putin and the hydrocarbonists are Hell bent on wrecking the great transition by destroying the West’s economies and their ability to invest in green techs, while those same green techs become as expensive if not more than the fuels they replace – all meanwhile to the great benefit of fossil fuellers, like Russia. I think the USSR collapsed in part due to collapsed oil prices in the 1980s, so is this revenge, collapse the West with high gas prices? High everything prices, cause mass destitution, although at the same time if you crash the world’s economy you’ve taken out the ability to buy your gas, then your own hydrocarbon economy goes down and you with it. Hmm!

Already we know Putin’s bots and troll farms, and oligarch funds, have spread misinformation, targeted lies, and financed bent far-right politicos in the US and UK, meddled in elections, referendums, sown division, and made folk on all sides lose faith in democracy and faith in journalism, ‘fake news’, forever asking what is true and the motives of who tells them … then having sown such divisive chaos around they go for the kill, upending billions of lives and creating so many poor and destitute that the far-right traditionally love to hoover up. Bannon may go to jail, Dugin is wounded, Putin is ill, Trump may yet be put out of action by the FBI, but the damage they’ve already wrought, we may enter some epically black times.

The guy is a noted Holocaust denier and phobe of anything non-white, basically. I may have to look up this poison to see if they’re pushing the Great Replacement theory.

Death threats? Like those below?

Farage, receiving death threats? Not like those we saw outside the Commons, as supported by Ian Paisley of the DUP, those deranged Puritans with whom the Tories entered into coalition.


Re-reading this post from the top … well, that escalated quickly.


Just read Alan Clark’s diary excerpts from the fall of Thatcher, as he writes it he was much a trusted informal advisor to her, if he phoned up she’d take his call, that sort of thing. It’s a fascinating story not least as it again underscores how the Tories are forever intriguing and how long the plotting, covert and overt, goes on, rumblings for months and months with correspondents and papers sharing gossip and stoking the fires, loyalists turncoating, numerical victories on paper actually meaning total defeat. All these people do is plot. Even he blanches at one point about how the prime minister of the country is being chosen by a fraction of a fraction of an elite clique.

And there’s the total devotion to the ideology, it’s like Brexit, Thatcher is totemic not just for who she is but all she embodies and represents, if she goes the whole project is junked by this ‘arriviste’ hysteric, Heseltine. The party is a broad church and it infights over ideas and entrenches as such as much as Labour or the Russian Revolution. Though even he laments at one point that after 10 years, inflation is back up to where it was when they started, nothing’s been achieved except they’ve all gotten older, age has crept in.

And he hangs around with so many of the upper class, the set is very much 3rd Baronet this, who’s married to the double-barrel Marquess of that, daughter of the former SoS under So-and-So in this extended quasi-royal party that hangs out in White’s and eats roast beef in July (Clark complains). And Clark at least has principles of sorts, and is very well read. Strangely though he’s very against cruelty to animals but doesn’t give a stuff about human suffering, The Donkeys notwithstanding.

Then listening to a group of Yorkshiremen last night it’s fascinating how memories change. One said how Thatcher was the best PM we’d ever had, although I’d have thought Yorkshire’s coal mining and manufacturing towns were hammered under her, he said ‘we all had money in our pockets’, then evoked the ‘stabbed in the back’ trope by ‘him in the glasses’ – John Major – who Clark points out was almost a caretaker figure, drafted to take the tiller in the event of Thatcher falling and stymie Heseltine’s ambitions.

Johnson has also been stabbed in the back, by Gum. The energy crisis could be solved by all the coal we’ve got (what Thatcher spectacularly achieved to keep buried), if it weren’t for do-gooder climate change people. China’s taking over the world, and could do it with a war, they could lose a 100 million people and not notice, these guys claimed (the faceless mass who number nearly 1 in 5 of the world’s population have no needs of their own nor souls to qualify as humanity, these guys think). Random old gammon. All news is propaganda. Brexit was mentioned once but as they’re hive-minded and Blukip there’s no discussion or regret because if it’s considered at all it was [sic] a good thing. Hmmm.


It absolutely binned down this morning and I was fairly drookit arriving at work, compounded by sweating with lugging bags with an anorak on, so it was absolutely freezing going into the freezer cupboard, where I creaked one out and wondered if the cold would cause the gas to sink to the floor. Would this create an effect a la some old horror film with ankle-deep dry-ice mist, or would it be more like the surface (or lack of) on Neptune?

Maitlis spills:


In her speech, Maitlis said many journalists now self-censor in order to appear balanced and avoid backlash, adding that “the way populist rhetoric is used to discredit journalists turns into a sophisticated form of ‘soft censorship'”.

She suggested any fear by the BBC and other media outlets to fully tackle the impact of Brexit “feels like a conspiracy against the British people”.

Recalling Newsnight’s coverage, Maitlis said: “It might take our producers five minutes to find 60 economists who feared Brexit and five hours to find a sole voice who espoused it.

“But by the time we went on air we simply had one of each; we presented this unequal effort to our audience as balance. It wasn’t.”


Tartan centipede thing.
Oucheroo ,but still at 1.76 a litre it’s 20p cheaper than Shell’s ‘V Power’.
Robin popped into the local boozer what he’s not been in for years, fancied a nostalgic pint, only to be caught between two cunts from school, givin’ it all of that.
He fucks off, gets a bottle from Waitrose, while the cunts continue their cuntery. Then one fucks off …
… and his trailer trash girlfriend turns up, kicks off knowing he’s gone off to score off some scrotey mate. See, there’s so much to the layout of shop goods, like Waitrose, B&Q is full of highly educated types, ex CEOs, students, furnishing a myriad of narratives and sub stories and juxtaposition to make political and philosophical points throughout the store. But you get none of this when you join their ‘club’.
Tory buoy, not ‘Tory busy’? Fucking Murdoch. This is while it’s predicted household energy bills will hit £6k and Sunak and Truss parade around, shitarse shitty clones of the clown, pretending they’re nothing to do with all that’s happened, and 160k party wankers get to decide the PM for the country.
Cost of living crisis! Compare with the picture above of lardarse Johnson, on the Costa Give-a-Fuck, still on full PM pay, still in No. 10, still taking the absolute piss. Nah, we’re not eating lard really, it’s for fatballs for the birds.
Our lovely oak tree is now producing acorns, at about 16 years old, which is wonderful as we know we’ll have to chop it down due to the roots and the houses, but if we can ‘save’ it through seedlings that’s marvellous.
Buffet for the birds.

Someone’s after Dugin.

This’ll end well

Holy dogshit.

I was thinking about Jimmy White, best known as a snooker player of staggering talent and dominance, yet the permanent grit of having been denied the World Championship in the final six times, I think each time by Hendry (no, Alex Higgins was one, too?). Snooker though is a game of extraordinary precision in maths, trigonometry (ok they’re not identifying the cosine) and arithmetic, physics of hitting balls with X power combined with the above to achieve a specific final location, having sent Z ball(s) into whatever direction directly and indirectly. It’s about precision and absolutes. Phenomenal enough. But White, who eschewed formal education bar an open minded headmaster who saw his talent and brokered a deal, is in fact a world champion poker player – which is much more about probabilities, risk assessment, and bluff, not dealing one on one but with multiple variable players and uncertainties with cards, whereas the balls are all there on show. What a mind.

This also made me laugh so hard thinking about it I had to pull over on the drive to EdinB. Yet thinking of it when listening to Song For Guy, it’s desperately sad.


The dog is serving up some choice farts, like a buffet of flatulence.

Is this child abuse? A safeguarding concern? Is this some kind of proto Boys From Brazil venture?

Rees-Mogg who most infamously lounged on the HoC front-bench, while the shitty Thatcher clone who is Truss accuses Brit workers of being lazy. As did JRM, so bored was he post becoming Brexshit Opportunist and realising what a bust that was he went round stalking his own staff, leaving passive-aggressive notes on their desks while they work from home. What a bunch of anuses. And seeping ones at that.

I mean, honestly, what a fucking cow.
And they can truly fuck off as well. Dulwich is a nice place, we don’t need these arseholes coming fuck the place up.

Anyway. Soon a fucking ’nuff, we could be out of here.

Peak civilisation.

And I have renewed faith in civilisation as GB NEws is facing being shit canned for basically being shit. This is just as Tory Bollockhead Andrew Pierce, some other non-entity, and Michael Portillo haul themselves aboard as the rats all jump the other way. Portillo, who’s spent so much energy these last 25 years making out he’s not a far-right loon, all these pink-shirted TV progs he does, trains, being such a bon-homie, and then first chance he gets to shit about on far-right telly he takes it. Berk.