Valentine’s Day

B-Day +14 and so far we have had Gove admit there will be friction in trade, it’s inevitable.

Chief Secretary to Treasury Sanuk says we don’t need a deal with the EU (read, we need No Deal), and at least one bot is behind him:

Javid toed and froed, Leadsom claimed the word Brexit isn’t used or even said anymore.

Cummings, looking like a bin-raking homeless man outside his own house, repeated something about PJ Masks.

So we’re in a race to the bottom, the end of the year being when it all goes smash.

Now is the time the Telegraph for one lets on that travelling in the EU will be much more problematical for Brits.

But at least they’re not blacks who’ve lived here since being children and have been done, i.e. paid the price, for offences committed here, for which they not only do time but are now deported, even if it’s doubted they’re guilty, and they’re deported even if the courts say no you bloody can’t.

For that, we now have phase II of Brexit, the assault on our judiciary, to come, with the execrable Geoffrey Cox replaced as AG by the even more execrable Suella Braverman, who can’t even tell us who the ERG members are, but is intent on bringing the courts into line with the government’s way of doing things (i.e. lawlessly). Cummings is behind this and she’s already saying ‘take back control’ of the courts – the three-word bullshit meme the unelected bureaucrat Cummings coined to deliver Brexit from unelected bureacrats so as in part to restore the power of our courts. In fact they meant the government’s power over our courts, which should never be the case:

Question also is the rise of a vanguard of young, ruthless right-wing Asians in the Tory party. Here’s the new AG providing perfidy with smirking:

This is part of the latest post B-Day bullshit, a Cabinet reshuffle that saw Leadsom and Cox ditched, while Javid quit in the face of a power grab by Cummings, and to sum the Treasury is now under No. 10’s exclusive control.

Strange things to distract us with, however, HS2 is going ahead, as plans for a 20 mile bridge with 300m legs immersed in HX dumping sights in one of the worst straits of water in the world are confidently laid out by Blojo. The question, ‘what’s costing £100 of billions at great destructive cost and risk to no tangible benefit for several decades’ now includes a railway and bridge on top of Brexshit itself.

Distract from what? Shit like this:

Happy Valentine’s Day.
