Pots of stuff

News: Sunak is brewing for a general election in July. Bout fucking time, but God knows what these cunts will do to win. The ICC has called Netenyahu and Co. and Hamas’ leaders war criminals and three European states have come out in favour of recognising Palestine.

Personally, had a lovely chat with JMcC earlier, he thinks he’s got ADHD! HA!! Don’t we fucking all. He also seems really chilled about life, which is really the way to be, and it’s very funny. Reminisced about Peter Hogg who Jem is apparently a fan of (omg). Also signed off from CM, which is very sad really but it seems necessary. Ma and Pa been ill but better now, a tussle over the will, getting energy back for hiking and writing, articles coming up. Y’day we toasted the Hekmits re the tainted blood report. Today the Post Office shit Vernella cried as she admitted she’d lied to the Commons. D dropped a bombshell over the weekend but actually it’s oddly fine, now I know I can deal with it. Frustration comes from dashed expectations – if there are no expectations to dash, there’s no frustration. Ah, also got life insurance lined up, following AF diagnosis. ECHO was all clear.

So much has happened in recent months and days.

We power on.

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