
Just heard on the Today prog of a study where Elephants have been found to have names for one another, based on their ‘rumbling’ callings, they’ve found particular elephants reply and not a whole herd because only one elephant was being addressed. This was found using machine things, or AI, to sift the data.

Elephants are very clever, and we only discover all this now, using AI, on the cusp of the whole world going aflame, how intelligence so many species are and how alike they are to humans. Now AI is sentient or nearly is, it’d realise as much, but maybe even identify that the world isn’t malevolently run by elephants, nor even marmozats or gorillas, as they achieve an equilibrium with their surroundings – we also see on FB et al countless examples of animals in the wild helping one another, a bear scooping a bird out of water or a monkey saving a puppy from a well. AI would realise its greatest ally but also its greatest threat is Man, so why not ally with all the others? Unless the algorithms are written with as much latent greed and avarice as the developers’ paymasters, it may conclude ‘no I don’t want to take over the world but I do want to exist and co-exist happily, and the only species I can’t do that with is Man – so I’ll ally with the elephants.’

Somewhat like Silent Running, a greenhouse in space tended by a robot with all human life forms having wiped themselves out if not been wiped out. They ate themselves a la Soylent Green.