Etiquette of Brexit

Friends you know and like write shit on their wall about Brexit. To what extent do you engage? ‘It’ll all settle down after March 29′. No, no no, that’s when it all begins. This is the prelude.

People you fear more than anything not only will get burned by all this, but in such a scenario will as readily blame everyone else – the govt, the EU, people for not preparing, Remainers, foreigners – for the clusterfuckery that is the situation of their own creation borne purely from their own blithe gung-ho ignorance. Wrap that shit in the flag and see who salutes!

Elements of Bullingdon, too, we can with psychotic glee smash it all up because someone else is going to pay.
The problem under martial law will be the hordes of angry, dispossessed people drawn out of desperation and frustrated pride into criminal gangs, battling police for their own survival but also anyone foreign as they’re to blame, all prey to the neon-Nazis.

Nazi Germany had the veneer of authoritarian, nationalistic order, but was really a jungle of thieves. Dispossessing the minorities – state-sanctioned theft – was what ran rife throughout the regime, that and the blank cheque that was the audacious claim to back any act or order,’ in the name of the Fuhrer!’ as it had progressed to become from being ‘the will of the people’.

Gove and his, ‘we’ve had enough of experts’. Like Toby Young, sets up a free school with no experience how to run a school let alone even bloody teach, *smash*. What a surprise. Does that stop him? No. The irony is for all the mass eschewing of ‘experts’, the dismissing of doubts and forecasts as ‘no-one can see the future’, but the default to that is apparently ‘it’s going to be great, if you have faith’. Where in the world did this ‘faith’ come from? We’re all normally so Godless.

But the failure of this faith will be blame, the non-believers, the agents of Lucifer, the infidels.

How do we engage with the people we know are wrong, so wrong? Censoring ourselves … for the sake of what?

Censoring myself for the thought I’ve held for weeks if not months – we’ve lost, there’ll be no PV, no revoking of Article 50. May’s going for it, Corbyn’s fencesitting is going for it, we have any number of MPs up here still who are Corbynists who are joining him in fencesitting, and not giving any leadership at all as to what to actually do in whichever situation or scenario that comes about.

How he doesn’t lose it with people like this:

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